Monday, July 1, 2024

Portugal (IHPT), a new layer in the GeoGarage platform

 100 nautical charts based on rasterized ENC
PT528507 Figueira da Voz harbour 
Notes :

- the layer includes Portugal coast, Madeira, Açores, Cabo Verde, plus additional charts for Guiné-Bissau, Sao Tomé e Principe and Angola

- this layer with 100 ENC replaces the few fac-similé raster charts from UKHO (59 charts) based on raster IHPT chart material. The next Q3 update of the British & misc. layer (UKHO) will therefore no longer contain maps for Portugal.

Portugal coverage with 59 IHPT raster facsimilé charts
in the British & misc (UKHO) Q2 current layer
A more complete and update coverage with 100 IHPT ENCs
including Açores

& Madeira
& Cabo Verde

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