The wings of the aircraft become the sails of the boat, they are indeed able to stand up and bow at different angles to follow the wind direction.
The aircraft has two propellers, which are arranged on the tail of the plane, one behind the other. The cockpit can be opened during the boat trips through a sliding glass canopy and finally, both located under the glass roof panels can be arranged in a horizontal position for the amphibious boat mode, in order to enlarge the living space cockpit.
Futurist concepts for the pleasure to dream.
Links :
- Octuri design agency / Trimaran sailing yacht convertible to seaplane
- N.Z. Inventor creates Flying Hovercraft
- Transaquatis Wing In Ground-effect (WIG) ship
- Ekranoplan WIG flying ship
- Talspace Seagull trimaran-type WIG craft
- SeaPhantom, speed boat based on NASA's Lifting-Body Airfoil design
Phil Pauley envisions cruisers that could fly and submerge