>>> geolocalization with the Marine GeoGarage <<<
The Netherlands Hydrographic Office is reducing the production of charts in the 1800 series, for light SOLAS vessels, inland shipping and leisure.
New charts would normally be published in spring but changes in the vessel traffic on the North Sea and cost-saving measures by the Netherlands Ministry of Defense are at the root of this change.
The 1801 will be a special release because of the changes at the Noordzee.
Very important to professionals and pleasure crafts.
The route network will be updated to these changes.
- chart 1801 (Netherlands coast) will be published in mid-June 2013, related to changes on the North Sea from 1 August 2013.
- the charts 1811 (Wadden Sea West) and 1812 (Wadden Sea East) will be published in the summer of 2013.
- all other editions will not be published as new versions in 2013 but will continue to be available as before.
The Netherlands Hydrographic Office has published new editions for the 1801, 1811 and 1812 sets and the 1809.2 chart (http://www.defensie.nl/_system/handlers/generaldownloadHandler.ashx?filename=/media/verschijningscyclus_1800_tcm46-200962.pdf, in Dutch)
ReplyDeleteWill you update the charts on marine.geogarage.com?