Amazing footage of Volvo Ocean Race competitor Team Telefónica being slammed by two monster waves as they blast through the Southern Ocean in over 40 knots of wind on Leg 5 from Auckland, New Zealand to Itajaí in Brazil .
The footage, shot from one of the four fixed cameras on the boat, shows the entire on deck crew -- including the helmsman -- twice knocked off their feet by the impact of the up to 10 metre waves.
Team Telefónica felt the full force of the Southern Ocean earlier today when they were slammed by two monster waves in over 40 knots of wind on their way to Cape Horn on Leg 5.
Diego Fructuoso/Team Telefonica/Volvo Ocean Race
Both incidents were captured by Telefónica Media Crew Member (MCM) Diego Fructuoso on one of the boat’s four fixed video cameras.
The amazing footage shot from the stern camera shows the entire on-deck crew -- including the helmsman -- twice knocked off their feet by the force of the up- to-10-metre waves.
Seconds before the first wave hits, helmsman Jordi Calafat can be seen urgently trying to steer the boat away from the impact before a wall of water slams into the boat engulfing the cockpit and leaving Calafat swinging in mid-air as the boat lurches out of control.
Later, when the second wave hits, Pablo Arrarte is thrown off the wheel and ends up steering on his knees as his shocked crewmates struggle back to their feet.
Remarkably, despite being thrown to the deck by the force of the waves, on both occasions the sailors regained their composure almost instantaneously to get the boat back under control in a matter of seconds.