Thursday, September 19, 2024

‘I told him I’m not getting in it’: Former Titan submersible engineer testifies

Illustration : James Marshall; Getty Images
From Wired by Mark Harris

The US Coast Guard’s OceanGate hearings started Monday with some startling revelations—including the last messages from the passengers.

THE US COAST Guard’s Titan submersible hearing kicked off with a startling revelation.

“I told him I’m not getting in it,” former OceanGate engineering director Tony Nissen said to a panel of Coast Guard investigators, referring to a 2018 conversation in which CEO Stockton Rush allegedly asked Nissen to act as a pilot in an upcoming expedition to the Titanic.

“It’s the operations crew, I don’t trust them,” Nissen told the investigators.
“I didn’t trust Stockton either. You can take a look at where we started when I was hired. Nothing I got was the truth.”

Nissen’s testimony, which focused on the design, building, and testing of OceanGate’s first carbon fiber submersible, was a dramatic start to nearly two weeks of public testimony in the US Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation’s hearings into the fatal June 2023 implosion of the Titan.
Its five occupants, including Rush, all likely died instantly.

Before Nissen took the stand, the Coast Guard presented a detailed timeline of OceanGate as a company, the development of the Titan submersible, and its trips to the wreck of the Titanic, resting nearly 3,800 meters down in the north Atlantic.
These slides revealed new information, including over 100 instances of equipment failures and incidents on the Titan’s trips in 2021 and 2022.
An animated timeline of the final few hours of the Titan also included the final text messages sent by people on the sub.
One sent at about 2,400 meters depth read “all good here.
” The last message, sent as the sub slowed its descent at nearly 3,400 meters, read “dropped two wts.”

 Wreckage of the Titan, June 2023 (Pelagic Research Services / USCG)
The U.S. Coast Guard released footage of the doomed OceanGate Titan submersible, which was found via a remotely operated vehicle at the bottom of the ocean.
The Coast Guard’s OceanGate hearings run until September 27.
Follow all the latest developments here.

The Coast Guard also confirmed reports that the experimental carbon fiber sub had been stored in an outdoor parking lot in temperatures as low as 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (–17 Celsius) in the run-up to last year’s Titanic missions.
Some engineers worried that water freezing in or near the carbon fiber could expand and cause defects in the material.

Nissen said that almost from when he joined OceanGate in 2016, Rush kept changing the company’s direction.
A move to certify the vessel with an independent third party fell by the wayside, as did plans to test more scale models of the Titan’s carbon fiber hull when one failed early under pressure.
Rush then downgraded titanium components to save money and time.
“It was death by a thousand cuts,” Nissen recalls.

He faced tough questioning about OceanGate’s choice of carbon fiber for a hull and its reliance on a newly developed acoustic monitoring system to provide an early warning of failure.
One investigator raised WIRED’s reporting that an outside expert Nissen hired to assess the acoustic system later had misgivings about Rush’s understanding of its limitations.

“Given the time and constraints we had,” Nissen said, “we did all the testing and brought in every expert we could find.
We built it like an aircraft.”

Nissen walked the Coast Guard board through deep-water testing in the Bahamas in 2018, during which he says the sub was struck by lightning.
Measurements on the Titan’s hull later showed that it was flexing beyond its calculated safety factor.
When a pilot subsequently found a crack in the hull, Nissen said, he wouldn’t sign off on another dive.
“I killed it,” he testified.
“The hull is done.” Nissen was subsequently fired.

Nissen sought to draw a line in the sand between the vessel he worked on and the one that took the fateful voyage to the Titanic.
The latter had a replacement hull and a redesigned acoustic monitoring system.
“My design was collecting data such that we would prevent a catastrophic failure and ultimately the loss of human life,” he said.
“We did that with serial 1. What they did in serial number 2, I don’t know.“

The next witness, Bonnie Carl, worked at OceanGate for less than a year between 2017 and 2018.
Carl was hired as a director of human resources and finances and was also training to be a pilot for OceanGate’s submersibles.
Carl said that one of the company’s board members, former Coast Guard rear admiral John Lockwood, was brought in for oversight and “to show that we’re talking to the Coast Guard.”

She also echoed Nissen’s testimony that Rush was in complete control of the company: “There might be discussion, but in the end … all decisions were made by Stockon,” she said.

The final witness of the day was an OceanGate contractor and veteran submersible operator, Tym Catterson.
Catterson is one of only two witnesses the Coast Guard has called who was among the 42 people aboard the Polar Prince, OceanGate’s support ship, that June.
He was operating the floating platform used to transport, launch, and recover the Titan submersible.

The preparations for the Titan’s dive that day went smoothly, said Catterson: “The sun came out, there were no red flags, and it was one of the first times we ever launched on schedule.”

He did have positive things to say about OceanGate’s safety culture, noting that Titan’s predive checklist was longer and more thorough than those used by other submersibles.
But Catterson also admitted to contributing to an “uncomfortable” incident on a previous Titan dive, where an incorrectly closed valve caused the sub to tilt, tumbling its passengers together for an hour.

Catterson was able to give only a very spotty account of events following Titan’s loss of communication.
He repeatedly referred the board to OceanGate’s operations director Scott Griffith as someone who could provide a more complete account of the dive.
Griffiths is not on the Coast Guard’s list of witnesses, nor are any employees of OceanGate’s operations team.

Catterson was there for the recovery of some of the Titan’s wreckage, however.
He testified that the inside edge of one titanium ring was sheared off all the way around.
One former OceanGate engineer believes this supports the theory that the implosion was allegedly caused by damage to the carbon fiber there, perhaps from freezing water or lifting the sub without using the correct equipment, rather than a failure of the hull from pressure alone.

The hearing continues this week and next.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

GPS jamming reported in Gelendzhik Bay amid suspected movement of Russian Black Sea Fleet vessels from Novorossiysk

From The Insider

GPS signals in the waters near Gelendzhik, a town in southern Russia, have unexpectedly started being jammed at the entrance to Gelendzhik Bay.
The disruption was first noticed due to unusual ship movements tracked by MarineTraffic, a website monitoring maritime routes via the AIS system.
According to the site’s data, several ships began circling near the bay’s entrance — a pattern observed by open source intelligence (OSINT) analyst H.I. Sutton.
The analyst suggests that the unusual ship movements are likely due to the activation of GPS signal jamming in the area.
Sutton specifically pointed to buoy number 133 as the center of the disruption.
After examining navigation charts, The Insider confirmed that the ships' circular paths were indeed around this buoy, which is primarily used as a dumping ground for dredging material and has no other function — although it could be equipped with jamming devices.

Screenshot: The Insider

H.I. Sutton had earlier reported, using satellite imagery, that Russian Black Sea Fleet vessels had been moved from the port of Novorossiysk to an unknown location.
Based on the vessels' draft (13–20 feet) and the depth of the waters in Gelendzhik Bay (30–43 feet, 56 feet at the entrance), The Insider used navigational charts to confirm that these ships could be anchored in the bay after having departed Novorossiysk.

Sutton speculated that the ships may have been moved due to concerns that Kyiv may receive approval to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike targets located within internationally recognized Russian territory.
Although the distance from both Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik Bay to the frontlines exceeds the range of the Storm Shadow missiles that have been delivered to Ukraine (300 kilometers, or 186 miles), the missiles could potentially be launched from fighter jets over the Black Sea.
The Russian military may be taking precautions, as aircraft could theoretically pass through Ukrainian, Romanian, or Bulgarian airspace, enter neutral waters, and launch missiles from positions south of Crimea.
Gelendzhik, with its smaller and more sheltered port, may offer better defensive capabilities than the busier port of Novorossiysk.

The ships may also have been relocated to Gelendzhik Bay for protection against maritime drones — which could explain the installation of jamming equipment at the bay’s entrance.

In late July, Bellingcat reported that Russia has sped up its construction of a shelter for the Black Sea Fleet in Abkhazia — a Russian-backed separatist region of Georgia.
The new Russian naval base, described by regional authorities as a “permanent place of deployment” for elements of the Black Sea Fleet, is being built in the seaside town of Ochamchire, just 30 kilometers from Abkhazia’s border with Georgia.


From Hackaday by AI Williams

We always think of [Scott Manley] as someone who knows a lot about rockets.
So, if you think about it, it isn’t surprising he’s talking about GPS — after all, the system uses satellites. GPS is used in everything these days, and other forms of navigation are starting to fall by the wayside.
However, the problem is that the system is vulnerable to jamming and spoofing.
This is especially important if you fear GPS allowing missiles or drones to strike precise targets.
But there are also plenty of opportunities for malicious acts.
For example, drone light shows may be subject to GPS attacks from rival companies, and you can easily imagine worse.
[Scott] talks about the issues around GPS spoofing in the video, which you can see below.

Since GPS satellites are distant, blocking the signal is almost too easy, sometimes happening inadvertently.
GPS has technology to operate in the face of noise and interference, but there’s no way to prevent it entirely.
Spoofing — where you produce false GPS coordinates — is much more difficult.

Of course, jamming or spoofing GPS is highly illegal, and it is easy to locate jammers, so most people doing this will be state actors and military units.
Don’t try this at home.
But it does happen, and [Scott] mentions how warnings appear to alert pilots of areas where GPS may be unreliable due to jamming and spoofing.

There are anti-jamming countermeasures you can employ.
But things like this tend to be leapfrog situations, where jammers will overcome the countermeasures only to face better countermeasures they’ll have to overcome again later.

As you might expect, this isn’t a how-to video, but just talks about the ideas behind jamming and spoofing along with the potential countermeasures.
While you usually buy a module to do GPS, you can roll your own.
If you want a detailed explainer, we got you.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

America’s Cup charts a course to net zero for shipping industry

The AC75 race boat Ineos Britannia “flying” on foils in practice for the America’s Cup. 
C.Gregory/INEOS Britannia

From WSJ by Perry Cleveland-Peck

From solid sails to flying boats, technology developed for the world’s most famous sailing competition is making its way into the commercial fleet, as the industry races to reduce carbon emissions
Merchant shipowners with an eye on a sustainable future will have the Port of Barcelona in their sights this month and next.
But it isn’t the Spanish commercial sea hub they will be focusing on rather than the America’s Cup yacht regatta that is being hosted by the Mediterranean city.

The sailing event, which takes place every three or four years in different locations around the world and is often described as Formula One racing on the sea, brings together world-class sailors and money-no-object design teams in a bid to create state-of-the-art race boats in the hope of winning the world’s oldest international sports competition.

But while the offshore action will no doubt be exhilarating to watch, it is the work taking place in the boat sheds and sail lofts on shore that could prove more interesting for the shipping industry as it seeks to meet its net-zero goals.

“A surprising amount of the tech that is developed for the America’s Cup finds its way into the commercial fleet” as the industry “strives to reduce carbon emissions,” said Peter Sand of ocean analytics firm Xeneta.

Ben Ainslie is the skipper of Ineos Britannia, the U.K.’s 2024 America’s Cup team.
Photo: INEOS Britannia

Founded by Ben Ainslie, the captain of the British America’s Cup team for the past three campaigns and a sailing medal winner in five consecutive Olympic Games, BAR Technologies was born directly out of the 2017 America’s Cup regatta with one simple idea: Why let all the effort and money that went into designing and perfecting these incredible race boats go to waste once the event is over?

The boutique marine consulting firm, based in Portsmouth, England, has since taken some of the most winning formulas from the America’s Cup campaigns and applied them to the commercial sector.
It is perhaps best known for its WindWings technology, solid sails developed using techniques borrowed from the America’s Cup and adapted for commercial shipping, allowing a vessel to maintain speed while powering its engine down, thereby consuming less fuel and operating more efficiently and sustainably.

“We’re always pushing the boundaries in the America’s Cup,” Ainslie said.
“When we set up the British team, we also established a technologies business on the back of that.
The wing-sail technology was the most transferable for commercial shipping.
And now they’re on these huge commercial tankers.”

The Berge Olympus is fitted with four WindWings, which lower fuel consumption and reduce emissions.
Photo: BAR Technologies
Last year, Singapore-based shipping company Berge Bulk, which owns a minority stake in BAR Technologies, launched a 300-meter bulk carrier fitted with four WindWings, which it says help to lower fuel consumption by up to 20% and reduce emissions by an average of 19.5 metric tons a day.
Meanwhile, U.S.
agribusiness giant Cargill, which put two WindWings on one of its 230-meter carriers for six months, said that in optimum conditions the sails are able to save 11 metric tons of fuel, or 41 metric tons of CO2e, a day—a 37% emissions saving.

BAR Technologies is also working with U.K. shipping company Union Maritime to put WindWings on a number of vessels it has under construction.
The company, which says it has the world’s largest wind assisted propulsion system, or WAPS, fleet on order, announced in June that it too had bought a minority stake in BAR Technologies.

Uptake of sail technology within the commercial sector is growing.
In a report out last month, U.K. professional services firm Lloyd’s Register found that deployment of WAPS is expected to pass the 100-installation mark in the next two-three years.

Gavin Allwright, the secretary-general of the International Windship Association, who is quoted in the Lloyd’s Register report, said the challenge for modern shipbuilders is taking state-of-the-art technology seen in races like the America’s Cup and turning it into a robust product that can last 30 years.
“In the racing community, every second, every fraction of a knot, can be the difference between winning and not winning.
Many of our members are taking these incredibly fine, highly developed models and adapting them for a commercial level, where those systems, those materials can be replicated at scale and be cost-effective,” he told The Wall Street Journal.

BAR Technologies isn’t the only marine engineer with roots in yacht racing that is making sails for today’s merchant fleet.
French naval architect VPLP, which built the catamaran that won the 2010 America’s Cup among many other race boats, designed the rigid wings for the first sail-assisted containership, Canopée, constructed to transport Ariane rocket components between mainland France and French Guiana.

In Germany, Hapag-Lloyd is working with the blue water yachtsman Boris Hermann on a possible wind propulsion project for some of its vessels.

“There’s probably about 40 different companies developing wind-propulsions technologies worldwide.
Thirteen of those are in the market or just coming in, offering four or five different types of wind propulsion,” Allwright said.

An artist’s impression of a vessel built with AeroBridge and WindWings. 
Photo: BAR Technologies

In addition to making sails, BAR Technologies has used its design know-how to rethink the superstructure of the modern bulk carrier with sustainability in mind.
Taking a fresh look at the shape of most commercial ships today, the company’s engineers identified that one of the biggest causes of aerodynamic drag on the vessels was their accommodation blocks, which traditionally run across the ship, perpendicular to their direction of travel, presenting a wall of metal to the oncoming wind.

The company has solved the problem with its “AeroBridge” concept, which replaces the crew block with two linked accommodation quarters running down the sides of the ship, connected below decks and by a bridge above.
Union Maritime is in discussion with BAR Technologies over the possible installation of AeroBridge on some of its future vessels.

Bar Technologies CEO John Cooper said that to attract the best designers and engineers to his company, he needs to offer exciting projects around sustainability.
“The shipping industry is one of the dirtiest.
It is burning fuel that is the waste product of refineries.
So if you’re really into decarbonization, the maritime business is a really exciting area,” he said.

BAR Technologies’ BARTech 30 commercial work boat uses foil technology to reduce fuel consumption and smooth out the ride.
Photo: BAR Technologies

Another innovation seen at the America’s Cup and developed by BAR Technologies for the commercial sector relates to foils, the underwater “wings” that are attached to the race boats which allow them to lift out of the water and “fly” at eye-popping speeds in relatively low winds thanks to the reduction in drag acting on the boats’ hulls.

The company has adapted foil technology for its crew-transfer vessels designed for the offshore wind industry in an effort to “help make a green-energy sector even greener.” It uses foils to lift the boats slightly, correcting for pitch and roll while at sea, while reducing displacement and drag, and thus fuel use.
It also makes for a much more comfortable ride.
Some of BAR Technolgies transfer vessels are currently at work in the North Sea serving the U.K.’s wind farms.

Ainslie said that taken together these steps are like the theory of marginal gains in sport.
“The AeroBridge can generate maybe 3% efficiency. We’ve got foils on our commercial boats.
We’re redesigning some hull sections, particularly in the bow. We’ve got the WindWings. You add it up, all of a sudden it becomes a really meaningful efficiency gain.”

Another company developing America’s Cup foil engineering for the commercial sector is Artemis Technologies, a Belfast-based maritime design and engineering company spun out of Artemis Racing, the Swedish challenger in the 2017 America’s Cup regatta and one of the teams in this year’s new women’s event.
The company’s CEO and founder is Iain Percy, himself a double Olympic sailing champion for Great Britain and a former America’s Cup tactician.
His company has developed a fleet of fully electric foiling workboats, including pilot boats and a passenger ferry.
One of its electric boats is being employed as a “chase” boat by the Artemis team in Barcelona. 

Artemis uses foil technology developed in the America’s Cup on its all-electric foiling workboats.
Photo: ARTEMIS Technologies

The same foil technology is also being harnessed to boost efficiencies on new hydrogen-powered chase boats that each America’s Cup team must operate this year.
The hope is that these emissions-free vessels will also inspire more sustainable power boats in the future.

Mark Evans, the CEO of McConaghy Boats, which built the chase boat for Emirates Team New Zealand, the defender of the America’s Cup, said he is looking at building a 300-seater version of the vessel that would serve as a passenger ferry.

Bluegame, an Italian company that has made the’s hydrogen-powered chase boat, said its experience constructing the vessel will “give birth to a new range” of multihulls, “containing many advanced technological elements of the America’s Cup boat.”

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Monday, September 16, 2024

The US needs open ocean data to avoid an innovation wipeout

From The Hill by Tim Gallaudet & Tim Janssen

The last decade has seen a surge of activity and interest involving the world’s oceans.
Exciting examples include the recent discovery of explorer Ernest Shackleton’s ship the HMS Endurance at a depth of 10,000 feet in the Weddell Sea, record-setting submersible diver Victor Vescovo’s mind-blowing descents into the world’s deepest ocean trenches, as well as an upsurge in ocean-based, post-pandemic tourism and recreation.
Ocean related challenges have been in the headlines with images of congested seaports being the most visible symbol of the ongoing supply chain disruption, where shipping is but one component of the increasingly relevant ocean-based blue economy.
Our oceans are also a place for the most prominent conflict and competition of the day, as the South China Sea and Strait of Taiwan are center stage for the U.S.-China rivalry, while the Black Sea plays a key strategic role in Russia’s brutal aggression toward Ukraine.

The ocean’s natural resources are also seeing a growing groundswell of support, with governments, philanthropies, industry and the public sector working together to tackle marine plastic pollution, combat coral disease, counter illegal fishing, restore coral reefs, as well as add new and expand existing marine protected areas (MPAs).
An overarching international effort to coordinate efforts like these is the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science, for which the U.S. has a dedicated committee within the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics to coordinate our national contributions.

The common denominator in all of this ocean activity is data.
Whether exploration, transportation, conservation or competition — all depend upon knowledge of the physical characteristics of the maritime domain.
For that reason, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) led the development of the national strategy and plan to acquire ocean data through mapping, exploration, science, artificial intelligence and autonomous systems.

These developments have happened so swiftly that we are approaching a point of potential ocean data inundation.
Powered by emerging remote and in-situ sensor technologies, satellite communication networks, edge computing and cloud-based data storage and delivery systems, we are collecting and disseminating unprecedented data densities.
At the same time, advances in data-driven modeling such as machine learning have the potential to accelerate ocean understanding and predictive capabilities beyond anything seen to date.
Realizing this potential requires a fundamental shift toward collaborative approaches to open up data pathways across government, academia, philanthropy and industry.

Three essential actions that can help accomplish this are:

1. Expand autonomous, multi-platform collaboration and interoperability

The first step in dealing with the ocean data deluge is to further its occurrence.
In other words, we should embrace the current proliferation of ocean data collection platforms.
Given the scale and remoteness of much of the ocean environment and the data density and coverage required for meaningful impact, we must turn to more distributed, multi-platform networks consisting of advanced, autonomous sensing nodes that carry heterogeneous payloads.
Interoperable, multi-domain and multi-vehicle, uncrewed ocean systems are emerging today, and they will only increase through advances in ocean internet-of-things (IoT) capabilities such as undersea and space-based communications.

2. Advance standardization of system components and connectivity

A critical obstacle to expand our use of ocean data is a lack of standardization.
The distributed, multi-platform and multi-modal ocean network we call for is characterized by varied and challenging environments and requirements, diverse stakeholders and use cases, disparate subsystems, as well as numerous factors that introduce extreme sensitivity to hardware margin costs.
In other fields, connectivity standards have been in use for decades.
Consider the profound impact of the USB with the desktop PC, Bluetooth for mobile devices and CubeSat in space.
No broadly adopted standard has emerged for ocean connectivity.

Instead, there are a wide range of connectors, protocols and electrical specifications for bespoke projects and platforms.
Advances in standardization are still early stage but have the potential to be extremely disruptive.
The Defense Advanced Research Program Agency’s (DARPA) Bristlemouth project, for example, aims to provide an open access, full-stack connectivity standard to support high-level plug-and-play modularity for marine applications, and it represents the role that public-private partnerships can play in removing barriers to scale.

3. Enhance data discoverability by increasing public-private partnerships.

Increasing public-private partnerships will help to build seamless pathways to access more data from multi-platform networks with distributed ownership.
While gold standard, government repositories such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Center for Environmental Information have partnered with private companies to augment ocean datasets, much more can be done.
In the last decade, we have seen the rise of frictionless data as a service (DAAS) models, commercial cloud-based data hubs, and application programming interface (API) technology that are making private sector ocean data increasingly accessible to a wider section of society.

Other developments in industry include geospatial dashboards which enable rapid integration of information flows into applications and data systems, as well as on-the-fly visualization.

Autonomy, artificial intelligence, edge computing and communication technologies have combined with a growing global awareness of the importance of the oceans to generate a surging tsunami of ocean data.
To overcome this challenge, NOAA and the Consortium for Ocean Leadership are hosting the National Ocean Exploration Forum later this month.
While we applaud this demonstration of leadership by America’s top ocean agency and nonprofit, the Biden administration should elevate this effort by making similar commitments to those stemming from the 2019 White House Summit on ocean science and technology partnerships.
The potential benefits of this to the environment, economy and national security are tremendous.
With public-private partnerships, we can create connected oceans for a more sustainable future, ride the big wave of ocean data — and avoid an innovation wipeout.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

La Solitaire

The fleet of La Solitaire du Figaro had to keep a tight rein on yesterday's two high-speed Channel crossings.
With gusts to 40 knots and 3-meter high waves, the Figaro sailors reached speeds of up to 17 knots in the surf.