geoTIFF raster (RNC) above and s-57 vector (ENC) below -courtesy from UKHO-
Vector maps (ENC in s-57 or s-63 encrypted format) are mainly used by onboard ECDIS or GIS applications.
Some Hydrographic Services have developed some servers using WMS OGC standards to deliver s-57 data to online compliant applications.
The Marine GeoGarage team is working on the possibility to display these maps online but using the pyramidal raster tiling scheme used in Google Maps, and also keeping the advantages of the additional chart info provided by the vector maps and stored in the geospatial database of the Marine GeoGarage server.
But as for the WMS access, it's not so easy to process raster tiles for the different scales using a rendering compatible with s-52 ECDIS presentation library which has not be studied for web application...So additional work has to be done to provide both a reliable and sexy display for all map scales.