Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sailing the Northwest Passage : A family's adventure into the Arctic

A little boy's perspective on sailing from Greenland to Alaska via the Arctic, following the fabled Northwest Passage through icebergs, fog, and uncharted waters.
Discover more about Sentijn's voyage: The Book: Thicker Than Ice by John Pennington
A true story of poor judgment and questionable parenting, but also of friendship and adventure.
A cubicle-dwelling nine-to-fiver hatches a secret plan to buy an old Dutch sailboat, fix her up, and return to the Pacific via the Northwest Passage.
His wife hopes for a family. Somehow, both dreams are set in motion–simultaneously.
Undeterred, they pack a single suitcase, their six pound newborn, and board a flight to the Netherlands.
The boat is a slowly-sinking national treasure, her engine a museum piece.
If all goes according to plan, they’ll be ready to cross the Atlantic by autumn.
But nothing ever does, not with a new baby on an intractable old boat like Sentijn.
Hard choices will have to be made if they want to see home waters again.
But, it’s not until their darkest hour–deep in the Arctic–when they finally realize the truth.
They’ve been home all along. 

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