Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ancient world maps II

Cartografia di Tolomeo, Francisco Berlinghieri (1440-1501)
 The "Ruysch Map," created between 1507 and 1508, was one of the first maps of the New World.
In accordance with Columbus’s theories, the explored regions of North America are shown attached to the Asian continent.

 The first printed map to show the world as a sphere from 1515
was a collaboration between Albrecht Dürer and Johann Stabius
Here's a 1781 reprint.

"Carta universal en que se contiene todo lo que del mundo se ha descubierto fasta agora, hizola Diego Ribero cosmographo de su magestad, año de 1529"

Atlas type Lafréri (1543-1577) BNF

 Fernando Bertelli’s version of Paolo Forlani’s World Map, after Giacomo Gastaldi: Universale Descrittione Tutta La Terra Conosciuta Fin Qui (Venice, 1565).
Osher Map Library And Smith Center For Cartographic Education, University Of Southern Maine (Osher Collection)

Ortelius World Map Typvs Orbis Terrarvm, 1570

1596 map of the world 
by Lambert Andreas

1600 double hemispherical map of the world showing Sir Francis Drake's voyage
1602's Matteo Ricci's map of the World made for the chinese emperor 

1619 World map showing voyages of Joris van Spilbergen and Jacob le Maire
by Nicolaes van Geelkercken
A 1623 world map featuring religious imagery and the coats of arms of various countries 

1626 map of the world
by John Speed

1631 map of the world 
 by Willem Janszoon Blaeu

1638 map of the world
by Matthaeus Merian

1643 double hemispherical world map
by Melchior Tavernier
Gerard Valck , 1695

 A view of the world as known in 1681
by Joseph Moxon

1693 world map
by Pierre Mortier
with also the idea of the Island of California and embryonic Australia
(see geographicus)  

Andreas van Lugtenburg (1708)

1716 world map

showing principal shipping routes and landmass to the south called 'Laender des Sud Pols'
Another double hemisphere world map, also with the indefatigable windheads, here embellished with the northern and southern stars, along with other natural phenomena;
from the 1720/30s, by Johann B. Homann, whose style is noted as an influence on Seutter. 
 1721 double hemispherical map of the world
- with some maps courtesy of Andrew Gloe -

1728 map of the world - by Gerard van Keulen

World map according to China -1799-

1800 world map with track of La Pérouse in the Pacific Ocean
Ottoman world map, 1803

 Chart of the world on Mercators projection. (1863)
Constructed By Hermann Berghaus and Fr. v. Stulpnagel.
1870 Berghaus Map of the World 

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