- Digi Connect Wi-SP Connect Wi-SP (Digi)
- NetCom 123 /423 / 823R WLAN Wifi Server (VSCom)
- PS110W (SENA)
- WiSER2400.IP (OTCWireless)
- SX-500 (Silex Technology)
- ATS-300 (Argus Technology)
- NPort W2150/2250 Plus (Moxa)
- WIPS IPS-101W, Wireless IP Serial Device Server (WApass Technology)
- AD-net
- SW111-M9V (ATAC Technology) ...
- SEAMate 1A (Molgaard Marine House)
- iAIS / BOATraNET (Digital Yacht)
- iMux (Brookhouse)
- SeaSmart.net (Chetco Digital Instrument)
- SBox wifi (Sailmon)
- DMK Box (DMK Yacht Instruments)
- NMEA-2-WiFi (Comar Systems)
- MiniPlex-2Wi (Shipmodul)
To allow the interface between a marine sensor and the iPad without any manual operator intervention, the Marine GeoGarage team has lead an experimentation using Zeroconf networking, which enables automatic discovery of devices on the iPad.
For that, we use a basic SoC (System on a Chip) AR2315 Atheros based Wi-Fi router (also used in the Marine GeoGarage AIS experimentation).
- adding some RS-232 serial interface for direct connection to a NMEA0183 device
- developing an embedded software (under OpenWRT) to broadcast the received NMEA sentences to a specific iPad application implementing zeroconf protocole.
allowing real-time querying of historical data stored in memory)
connected with CV7SF sensor from LCJ Capteurs
connected with CV7SF sensor from LCJ Capteurs
Sailmon SBox WiFi (http://www.sailmon.com/?p=81#more-81) definitely has also a fully automated configuration, included dhcp network address and automatic setup of apps. And it has a number of different interface options including direct B&G Fastnet, Seatalk, NMEA2000, NMEA0183 etc.