Sunday, September 6, 2020

Protecting marine areas in Colombia

Sandra Bessudo, marine biologist and founder of the Malpelo Foundation in Colombia, reflects on her first expedition to Malpelo Island and the infinite beauty that has kept her coming back for over 30 years, dedicating her life to its protection.
However, no matter how large Malpelo Island's protected marine area is, it isn't immune to the devastating disappearance of shark species around the world.
Featuring: Sandra Bessudo
Made in support with:
Fundacion Malpelo y Otros Ecosistemas Marinos
Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia

A young woman emerges as a leader on her Colombian island to save the reef that’s vital to its survival.
A 19 year-old woman, Yassandra Barrios who emerges as the environmental leader of her island.
She learns to dive, studies Marine Biology, rallies the fishermen and young people to bring awareness to protecting their marine ecosystem.
She inspires those around her with a vision of a more secure future for their island home.

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