Sunday, April 17, 2016

What are ocean zones and high seas? A cartoon crash course

To the naked eye, our oceans look like a huge, endless expanse of water.
In actuality, they’re divided into zones and areas, similar to how land is segmented into countries and states.
From your country’s shores to the lawless high seas, see how the vast global ocean is made up of smaller zones.
Cartoonist Jim Toomey—whose daily comic strip, Sherman’s Lagoon, is syndicated in more than 250 newspapers in the United States—has joined forces with The Pew Charitable Trusts to illustrate "ocean zones" and other terms associated with our oceans 

Get the facts about the high seas—the two-thirds of our world’s oceans that are not under any country's jurisdiction.
This quick whiteboard tutorial explains why these international waters are so important and how the United Nations can help protect high seas marine life and ocean resources.

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